Wednesday Night Bible Study

Then at 7pm we spend an hour studying the Scriptures and in particular asking the question: WHY was this story told? WHY did the Church choose to remember this story? And WHY should we continue to remember and practice this story?

Children's Ministry

At West Seattle Naz. we are blessed to have many kids that are apart of our Church community. It is our hope that we would be an inter-generational Church that creates space for our Kids to be a part of the whole Church, as they worship, as they serve, and as they simply play.

Sunday Mornings

Kids Sunday School: 10am - 11am

Nursery is provided during Worship Service

Movies in the Park

Each Summer we host Movies in the Park for our Community.

Movies begin at Sundown on various Friday Evenings throughout the Summer. We would love it if you would join us! Hot Dogs, Soda, and Popcorn Provided.

We will be releasing the 2020 Movies in the Park Schedule in the upcoming months. 


It is our desire to live in community and to be good neighbors in our community.

For this reason we are active in the local Morgan Junction neighborhood, participating in the Morgan Junction Community Festival, among other events. It is our hope and desire that are good neighbors, practicing hospitality well to those we share community with.